Value Education
In order to inculcate lofty moral values in children and mould them into socially committed citizens, one period is set aside every Wednesday for Value Education. The class teacher takes special care to enlighten the students about etiquette and patterns of correct behaviour. Any misdemeanor on the part of the child is instantly checked and steps are taken to ensure that it does not develop into a deeper malaise.
Self-Study Period
Every Thursday, the students are allotted a zero period of 40 minutes during which they can meet their subject teachers to clear all their doubts.
Remedial Class
Special classes are conducted for the benefit of weak students in all subjects. This enables under performers to keep pace with other students.
House System
In STRS, immense thrust is given to co-curricular activities, sports and games which bring out the hidden talents of the students. All the students are divided into four houses- Blue, Green, Yellow and Red and healthy competition is established among them.
Prefectorial System
Head Boy, Head Girl, Asst. Head Boy and Asst. Head Girl, House Captains, Sports Captains and Prefects form the Student Council which oversees the co-curricular activities and discipline. There are about 120 office bearers. They maintain an atmosphere of friendly cooperation, peace, discipline and unity on the school. They assist both staff and students. A teacher on duty is responsible for the smooth running and discipline of a section for each day.
An Investiture Ceremony invests the students with full authority in the execution of duties at the beginning of the year. In the solemn, Passing the Torch ceremony, held at the end of the year, the outgoing students formally hand over the symbolic lamp of knowledge and responsibilities to the new batch of office bearers.
Study Tours
Study tours to places of interest provide experiences which are not only enjoyable but also instructive to the students. The close interaction with fellow students and teachers away from the familiar territory and a foray into new unexplored regions, provide the students with learning experiences in co-operation and team work. They learn to adjust with different circumstances and learn the basic lessons of harmonious living together during such trips.
Class Magazines
Every section of Classes V to VIII is expected to bring out a class magazine. These magazines encourage the students to give vent to their creative talents in the literary and artistic fields. The magazines are scrutinized by a panel of teachers and a prize is awarded on the children’s day, to the best magazine from each class.
School Magazine
"The Threshold", The School Magazine of STRS, tries to maintain a record of the happenings of the current academic year. It includes reports, felicitations, reflections, poetry and expressions of every conceivable aesthetic talent of our students. There are pictures, paintings and photos of all activities that took place during the previous year. Teachers and students make up an excellent editorial board.
Parent-Teacher Meeting
Regular meetings with parents are organized as Parent- teacher meetings or Open House meetings where the parents are apprised of the progress of their wards as well as their weakness in specific areas and remedial measures are suggested.
Social Service League
The formative years in school can be regarded as the right period to inculcate virtues such as generosity, imputing, charity and mercy in young minds. Our students are given many opportunities to display their philanthropic spirit and to establish solidarity with the weak and needy, The members of the Social Service League visit orphanages and homes and distribute clothes and study materials to the poor. The fund is raised from the 'funstreak' and Food Festival organized every year as part of the curriculum. The members also took active part in providing relief materials to the victim of floods.
An Air wing NCC (Troop No. 8) has been functioning in St.Thomas Campus since 1982. Now it expands under the guidance of Third officer Reju R S. This NCC unit is a part of 1 Kerala Air Squadron NCC Kochuveli, Thiruvananthapuram under Kerala and Lakshadweep directorate. There is an enrolment of hundred cadets from all three schools. Parades and theory classes take place on Friday 2.00pm to 4.00pm and Saturday 8.30 am to 11.30am. This NCC unit prepares the cadets for ‘A’ Certificate Examination. Specialised subjects for ‘A’ grade examination are General Service Knowledge, Air Campaigns, Aircraft Recognition, Principles of flight, Parts of an Aircraft particulars, Airfield layour, Atmosphere, maps RT Procedure, Aeromodelling and Common subjects are National Integration, Drill, Weapon training, Disaster Management, Social Awareness and Community development, Health and Hygiene, Environment Awareness and conservation, Adventure, Obstacle training and Personality development and leadership. Every year two annual training camps, National Integration camp and Republic camp are being conducted for cadets.
Summer Courses
Come summer and St. Thomas gears up to welcome the students who choose to spend the vacation in pursuit of adventure, hobbies and exploits in new fields. The summer courses organized by the St. Thomas Schools cover areas like Personality Development, Spoken English, Sports and Games, Music, Art and Craft and Robotics. The fun-filled days packed with exciting activities are a welcome change from the tension-filled exam days of the third term.
Tennis Coaching: Coaching classes are arranged in the school under the guidance of an expert trainer.
Skating: An expert coach trains the students so as to equip them to participate in district or state level competitions.
Royal School of Music: Students interested are trained to level each grade in the piano examination accredited by the Royal School of Music by a musician.
Martial Art – Karate: Physical training of the student in self defense and body- mind bond is incorporated through the teaching of karate by a professional.
Basket Ball: Students are trained in outdoor sport, Basketball to work as a team to play for the school in latter matches by a trainer.